The Truth About the Judgment and Hell

With the Second Coming of Jesus approaching, we need to know the truth about this teaching. Are we planning to spend eternity with a God of love and justice or a God of eternal wrath? This series of studies will make the truth about the Judgment as simple to understand as possible.

  1. What’s Going to Happen in the Judgment?
    What exactly is the Judgment? What’s involved? What’s being judged and how can we be found innocent?

  2. Why the Judgment Has to Happen
    The Judgment is not an arbitrary event. It’s critical that it does happen and there’s a lot on the line. This Bible study will explain that.

  3. Is God Really Going to Torture People for All Eternity?
    Where did this idea even come from? Is it biblical? Is God going to like it? Seriously, read this. The answers from the Bible are not what you think!

  4. Is There a Hell? Understanding the Problem Texts
    Several texts in the Bible have led many to believe that God has a “special place” like this. In this study, we look at several of them in light of our previous Bible studies on the Judgment.