Death and the Resurrection

What happens when you die? Where do you go? If you’ve lost a loved one, you’ve had questions like this. Thankfully, the Bible has the answers and these studies will make them plain for you.

  1. Does Man Have An Immortal Soul?
    For thousands of years, Christians and non-Christians have been taught that the soul of a man is immortal. But what does the Bible say about it?

  2. What is Death Like?
    What happens when we take our last breath? Do we go to Heaven or Hell when we die? What about near-death experiences? This study lays out the biblical truth of what death is like.

  3. What Will Happen at the Resurrection?
    The Bible promises us that the Lord will raise the dead to life again. But what will happen to them? Are the righteous and the wicked raised at the same time? What will happen to both parties? The Bible makes it plain. It’s not what you think!

  4. Can We Talk to Dead People?
    If you’ve been to a spirit medium or a seance, you might say “yes.” But does the Bible agree with you?